
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Minnesota Life has treated me well. They are a solid company, and I have made countless, solid friendships. I've given them 9 years, and now, it's time for something new.

Today, I gave my notice. May 28th will be my last day. I don't think I realized how... stressed, and emotional I was over this decision. I'm beyond wiped out tonight. I had to tell Betty, our daycare provider of 4 years, almost to the day, this morning that the girls wouldn't be coming to her house anymore - at least in the same capacity that they have been. Then I had to tell my manager, and my team. Don't get me wrong, everyone has been great, and so supportive. But it's a big change. A scary change... an exciting change. I still can't believe I'm going to do it. I've talked about it, I've thought about it, and now it's time to do it.

So... who wants to play with us this summer? :)


Unknown said...

OK OK I just want to stake my claim to some hanging-out time! Yahoo!!

CarolSue said...

SOME? You're prolly gonna get mighty sick of us. :)