One of Many...

Thursday, November 13, 2008
... reasons I love my husband:

He makes me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when we run out of lunch meat. But not just any peanut butter and jelly sandwich - the kind of peanut butter and jelly sandwich that he HATES.... the heavy on the peanut butter kind. Apparently he suffered some sort of traumatic thick peanut butter incident as a child, and has never recovered. Thick peanut butter makes him almost as angry as cauliflower does. I know. Don't ask. Anyway - he knows that I don't care for his style of PB&J - which equals thin peanut butter. Peanut butter so thin you can barely see, hear or smell it on your sandwich. Peanut butter portions so thin that I actually feel sorry for my children when I find out that he's made them PB&J sammies for lunch without me there to intervene. Because what kind of a life is a life without thick peanut butter??! Thank God they've got me to balance out the thin peanut butter insanity.

What was I talking about...?

Oh, yeah. How much I appreciate that he's able to overcome his phobia and make me a proper PB&J sammy because he knows how happy it makes me to have a thickness of peanut butter no less than a mattress. A mattress with a pillowtop. And then he puts in in a sandwich baggie, and labels it lovingly with a "C" so I know not to mistakenly grab one of his sandwiches by mistake. Because believe you me... the wrath he has to endure if I get an inappropriate thickness of PB on my sammy... oh, yeah. Quite embarrassing - especially at work. :)

And how lucky am I that he hasn't kicked me to the curb and told me to make my own frickin' sandwiches?? I know. Damn lucky.