You see - my secret little passion lately has been reading parenting books, and most of them in some way end up emphasizing how important it is to redefine your world in positive terms, instead of labeling things negatively. For example - Eve is not stubborn, she is determined. She is not a handful, she's spirited. Josie is not nosy, she's curious. She is not bossy, she's assertive. And even in those moments when I'm about to lose it because my determined, spirited child has pulled the hair of my curious, assertive child, again... it does help to remind myself that they're not being malicious, they're just offering me up yet another challenge. But even with all my new found parenting tools - I've definitely felt that I've been performing less than stellar, lately. Jo has been super emotional the last couple of days - who knows if she's feeling a little under the weather, or has been a little extra tired - but everything ends in drama and tears. And for some reason, I'm just not handling it very well. It's a challenge, to say the least - but I know that this, too, will pass.
Back to other challenges, then. My third Healthy Loser challenge just ended. I could write a book about this and the impact it's had on my life. But I won't. It will suffice for me to tell you that as of this morning, I've lost a total of 42.6 pounds. This absolutely blows me away, as does the clothing size that I now fit in, and as do the equally impressive successes of my "Loser" friends. Don't get me wrong - there is still work to be done, and always will be, but I am so excited to face the rest of my life from this new place. I am proud to be a Loser.
Everywhere I look, there are challenges. Friends being laid off from jobs, uncertain economic times for everyone, keeping a straight face when your 2-year-old looks at you out of the corner of her eye after you've scolded her and whispers in a sing-song voice, "Uh-oh... Big Trouble..." It never ends. Thank goodness. Because without challenge, there would be no change. And as nice as that may sound from time to time, I don't think any of us would truly enjoy that kind of a world. Or another 4 years... but I digress from any political banter whatsoever.
Speaking of changes... here are some pix of the girls. The summer has certainly helped them to grow...

SERIOUSLY ~ Carol! Love You - K
Your girls are beautiful. I just can't believe how Josie is growing up! I suppose 4 is somewhere on the way, but it just doesn't seem time yet.
Thanks for sharing pics Carol! The girls are so cute and you look great! You need to share more pics of yourself for those of us that never get to see you :) Where's a new family picture???
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