I've received a smattering of feedback since going public with my decision to be a visitor to the blogging world less often. Most of it curious in nature as to my motivation. Which has given me reason to question and re-examine that very thing, myself. I think what it boils down to is this: In the sites I visit often and in the lives of those in my "blogosphere," there has been a lot of tragic stuff going on. One of the biggest life lessons I've had the opportunity to experience, especially since beginning my Healthy Loser challenge back in January, is that our successes in life are most often determined by how we handle the aforementioned "stuff" life brings with it. It's our reactions to situations, comments, events, etc... that determine the roads we travel. Happiness, success, contentment... all determined by how we choose to be affected by every single event we encounter. In my case, I'm choosing to take the energy, the lessons, the message that all that "stuff" carries with it, and redirect it into what matters most to me. My family, my girls. Don't get me wrong - I do feel sadness over deciding to not share all the fabulously exciting, funny and mundane happenings in our life with those of you who check in with me. But I'm feeling a strong pull to "take it inside" for a while. And I'm going to listen to the pull. It seems everywhere I look or listen lately, someone is losing someone they love - and this is making me realize that I need to heed all the warnings to pay attention to the blessings I have in front of me, because in a blink of an eye, it all could change. And they are already changing right before my eyes, so I can't afford to be looking away for any longer than I already have to. I'll still check in when the mood strikes me. And to share adorable tidbits like this:
Not one to miss out on the fun... here's Evie's turn...
Be well. Until next time...
Congrats on the weight loss. That's really cool! I know it's not easy!
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