Speaking of head injuries...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Ed isn't the only one who is going to suffer a head injury before the age of 2. Thanks to her parents doing exactly what we're all warned NOT to do via safety disclaimers, Eve almost (sidenote - Jo says "almost" all the time now. Except when she says it, it's "almosht!") suffered a head injury on Sunday night. Well, I guess she actually did, just not a serious one. Here's the story.

Eve was chillin' in her carseat Sunday night. Not strapped in. I know - stupid. I was putzing around, picking up toys and whatnot, Pat was on the loveseat reading the paper. Eve's seat was sitting on a low coffee table in the living room. I know - stupid. It says right on it not to place it on an elevated surface. But come on, tell me you haven't done the same thing yourselves. Please - tell me that you have, I'll feel a lot better. :) Anyway, while neither Pat or I actually saw it happen, I think that Eve must have leaned forward and shifted in the seat enough to tip it forward. And thanks to gravity, she toppled to the floor, with the carseat on top of her. She screamed. I ran to the living room. Pat picked her up. She had a heckuva red mark on her forehead, and a scrape on the end of her nose and just below her nose. I thought I was going to throw up. We called the nurse line right away. From what we described, they thought she was going to be okay - but said they thought it best that we take her in, just to be safe. So Pat did. We're getting a little too familiar with Children's Hospital. The main reason I was worried was because when I was holding and comforting her, she was dozing off. Granted it was 9:00 at night, but how could we know if it was just because she was tired, or if there was something more going on? But she checked out fine, and didn't even need any scans or anything. I did stay home with her Monday, just to watch her and make sure she acted normal. Aside from a pretty purple bruise on her forehead, and a sore little nose, she's fine. Not so sure her parents can say that, yet. Ugh. Needless to say, we're attempting to phase the carseat out of our lives. She's almosht too big for it, anyway... but is awfully attached to the stupid thing.

Let's see - what other drama do we have in our lives. Oh - Josie got a hair cut. Her first. Darn it all... everything I have to post about would be a lot better with pictures. I'll see what I can do about that. It's awfully hard to find time. Or make time. Whatever. Pat and I took her to Kids Hair last Friday. She was fine, until I put her in the chair and stepped away and the hair chick put the giant bib on her. Big, fat tears, and she wouldn't sit up straight in the chair. The hair chick was really trying. I gave Jo a lollipop, and that helped. Then she calmed down enough to look around at the other kids getting their hair cut, and that also seemed to help. Her hair is super cute. Just a simple little bob, but it makes her look so much older. Again, pictures would be nice, huh?

After watching Josie play for the past couple of weeks, and seeing that she was pretending to make pancakes by sticking a plate in her little barn toy... I decided it was time to get the girl a proper kitchen. And I did. And she loves it. Now we get french fries, hot chocolate and pancakes all the time.

We took a weekend road trip to my Mom and Erwin's house. There's nothing like corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's Day. Yum. And even better... Grandma J's homemade rhubarb custard pie. Double yum. The kids did great - except that before we left, we made a stop at the store and Pat ran in. While he was gone, Josie said something to me, so I turned to look at her. Then she started saying "Look, look!" and then "NO - Mommy." After getting increasingly annoyed with me, I finally I figured it out - she was telling me to stop looking at her. Hmph. How do you like that?! She's more and more of a ham lately, I can't even do her justice. Do you know the song "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)" by Dead or Alive? Here's the chorus - you'd know if for sure if you heard it:

You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round

That's Jo's favorite song at the moment. She calls it "Round," and we have to sing it to her while she walks / dances around the loveseat. Except that we only know the chorus and a couple of other lines. So that's what we sing over and over again. Gotta work on memorizing the rest of the song. :)

Pictures, soon. I'll try. Really.


Nicole said...

In our house it was "Shake your booty" and we don't know any words other than Shake, shake, shake your booty. We all just shake our booties around the house and it is tons of fun.

I also didn't follow some of the warnings to use around babies. I have a shelf above the changing table in Addy's room (a big no-no) and one day the ceramic piggy bank actually fell off the top of the shelf and hit her in the head. She was just a little baby then. I was seriously crying and so upset at myself but it worked out - thank god. We all have a story of stupidity and shame - so I guess that would make you normal.

CarolSue said...

Thank goodness, I'm not the only one! :) And I know I'm far from normal, but it just helps to know that there are others out there, too!

MC said...

Remember when we had the kids in Duluth for that softball tournament and I realized I had forgot to buckle Owen into his seat but we had locked him into the base? And we had driven about 7 miles that way!! Yeah, pretty negligent but luckily it all worked out.

Unknown said...

Just in case there was any doubt about my family... I did the car seat (latched into the base but NOT on the kid) at least once with each of mine. And Lucy fell headfirst off my bed once when she wsa just about 12m. And that day the kids fingerpainted in the tub? We have no stick-ums on the floor and Ed stood up, slipped, and whacked the back of his head on the tub floor.
Oh, and just this Monday I was trying to make up a new swing-dancing move with Lu as my partner and right after I was done she climbed up onto her bed and grabbed Ed and she tried to do the dance move with him and she pulled him on top of her and they BOTH fell off the side of the bed right onto the floor.
And Eve's head really looks like she will be fine. Hey, at least it's symmetrical!
OH! And we drove all the way back from Chicago on Sunday with Ed's car seat incorrectly installed. Awesome.