I may be new to this Catholic stuff, but...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
(I know it's Wednesday. I'm a bit late this week!)

I know enough to be able to tell that when we get to church and pretty soon everyone is kneeling and I look up front and sure enough... it's time for communion - hmm, yeah - we're probably late. Let's back up a bit.

Josie decided to get up at 5:50 AM on Sunday morning. When you're up that early, it's easy to make it to early church. Which we've never made it to before. We can catch the 10:30 service MUCH easier. So Pat thought the early service was at 9:00 am. I thought it was 8:45 am. We were both wrong. It's at 8:30 am. Oops. So imagine what a tool I felt like when our circus goes rolling into St. Jerome's at 9:02 am, now a half-hour late for mass. I'm sure the oldies think we're horrible just rolling in for communion. Oh, well. :) Josie seemed awfully excited to get to leave again so soon. If only she knew this isn't how it always is going to be.


BABY NEWS!!! Congrats to Tricia and Kevin Mathews on the birth of baby BOY, William David. He was born on Friday, March 2nd at 2:41 am. AND he was a whopping 9 lbs, 8 oz. We love you guys to pieces and are soooo happy for you! And he truly is an absolutely stunning baby. And we're not just saying that. :) I'd give you a handy link to their family blog... but they don't have one. Nope. No blog. Hmm... wonder what they could do to remedy that...


Everyone in the Daly house is doing fine. We're still handing the same cold back and forth, but we're holding strong for some spring weather, some outside fresh air and better spirits all-around.

News with The-Man-Formerly-Known-As-Uncle (that's my mom's husband, Erwin, for those of you not familiar:) The large-cell diffused lymphoma he's battled twice before has returned. It's concentrated in the knee area, and they will determine a plan of attack today. His doctor is hoping to get him into a study group which is trying out a new pill. He'd take it once a day, and would only have to go into the Clinic once a month. Sounds too good to be true! Keep your fingers crossed, say a prayer, whatever you want, just send some good tidings his way, please!