Kind of. I don't know what it is exactly, just this Clay-ness that sort of drives me nuts. Oh - I don't remember which one exactly, but he sang a cheesy cover of an 80's love song. That was annoying, too. Although, apparently, Josie loves cheesy covers of 80's love songs.
Picture it. The year is 1995. A house party in Winona, Mn. Our eyes meet across the, uh, basement... and the rest is history. Fast-forward 14 years, a wedding, a house and two kids later... and welcome to our life. It's simple and joyous, crazy and messy, and we wouldn't have it any other way.
I kind of like Clay Aiken. Though I missed him on The View. Was he a doof?
Kind of. I don't know what it is exactly, just this Clay-ness that sort of drives me nuts. Oh - I don't remember which one exactly, but he sang a cheesy cover of an 80's love song. That was annoying, too. Although, apparently, Josie loves cheesy covers of 80's love songs.
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