Let's see - what's new? We had our first Family of Four outing last Friday night and went out to dinner together. It went well - although I spent the last half hour or so walking around the restaurant holding Josie's hand, her new favorite thing to do, while Pat fed a screaming Eve. Perhaps I just have a short memory, but Eve seems so different from Josie. Which she has every right to, it's just weird. She has a very short fuse, and is quite temperamental. She wants what she wants when she wants it, end of story. Don't get me wrong, she's only 3 weeks and still sleeps a lot and is quite sweet... but when she's hungry or has gas, you and the next door neighbors are going to hear about it.
My Josie is adjusting to Life With Eve. She checks to see where she is constantly, and stops what she's doing and points when Evie starts to cry. She's been "giving" her sister things lately - I will find an extra blanket, nuk or activity book in Eve's infant seat or pack 'n play quite frequently. And Eve is now included in Josie's list of goodnight kisses. Pat pointed out that the years of poking have begun as Josie is constantly poking a forefinger at some part of Eve's body. How little sisters and brothers manage not to lose an eye to overzealous older siblings is beyond me.
Jo has been starting to add some words and phrases to her vocab in the last few days. She said "all done," "huggie," and "thank you," and is constantly saying something resembling "wowie" that I can't quite figure out. We spent some time coloring today and she's eager to "help" us whenever she can - for example, tonight she helped us clear the dishes from the supper table and put them in the sink. She adores the kiddie pool and thinks she's big enough to walk around stores on her own now. We spend a lot of time looking at the wheels on lawnmowers and pushing buttons on everything in stores that has buttons. She also has started to show interest in potty training - we put the potty in our bathroom, but my heart and patience and attention just isn't quite there yet. But I guess maternity leave would be the perfect time to get it done.

I know - it's a little late, but here is a preggo picture of me many of you requested. Oh man - I just tried to upload a bunch more pictures... and a blogger error hit. *sigh* Sorry. Ugh. More pictures to come later.
Eve is calling - gotta go for now. :)
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