A long overdue picture update.

Thursday, January 29, 2009
This batch of pictures is much like the thoughts that ramble around in my head. Random, scattered and sometimes, because the settings aren't quite right... a little bit fuzzy. :)

Daddy and Josie on her 4th birthday, 1/19/09

Mommy and Jo. Happy Birthday! 1/19/09

The Birthday Recital with Lucy

Happiness is... a new tutu.

Happiness is... your sister's birthday balloons.

Happiness is... making birthday cupcakes.

Happiness is... free Wild tickets to your company's corporate suite.

Happiness is... finding out a bunch of your friends are also going to the Wild game the same night! Me with Sara and Dana - 1/17/09.

Happiness is... an abundance of food... and drink... before the Wild game.

Happiness is... big hugs from Daddy.

Happiness is... building a snowman at Grandma Sue's.

Happiness is... snuggling in pajamas.

Happiness is... an apple snack during open gym playdates.

Happiness is... bowling for the first time with friends!

Happiness is... just happy.

Happiness is... dancing along with your favorite princess dvd. In fancy slippers.

Happiness is... breakfast at Grandma Sue's. And a new haircut!

Happiness is... hugging your first snowman. Brr!

Happy Birthday, Josie-girl

Monday, January 19, 2009
Josie - today you turn 4.

This has been a much anticipated day in your world. You've been looking forward to being 4 almost as much as you've already been looking forward to being 5. You asked me this morning as we walked together up the sidewalk to Betty's house if you had already turned 4, almost as if you truly expected there to be some magical, sparkly moment when IT happened, and you were afraid you missed it. I told you that yes, the whole day today marks the occasion of turning 4 - but that technically, you weren't born until 6:29 p.m., so that would mark the actual turning point. You had already moved on to the anticipation of more birthday presents at daycare, so I was basically speaking to myself. But I'll forgive you. You are so completely and totally fascinating to me. Your comprehension level of pretty much everything around you has skyrocketed in the last few months and let me tell you - you are funny. And inquisitive. We have hit the "why" stage with you hardcore. And yes, it tires me out - but I love that you're not satisfied with an easy answer. I hope you keep this trait. I'm also incredibly impressed in how much you've blossomed socially as of late. Just last night I was watching you actually relish in being the center of attention as you opened your gifts with Daddy's family. This hasn't really happened much before. School is a hot topic around our house for the past few months, and you are more than ready for something new. You're a sponge, and you crave learning new things. You've found a new love for dance and a deeper love for anything Disney Princess-related. You are in a stereotypical "girly" stage, through and through. The other day you tried on every dress in your closet. And you're so cute doing it, I even hung them all back up without complaining. Too much. But you're also finding out how much you love to skate, and just to be outdoors, in general. Not on nature hikes, mind you, but just outside playing. You'll be out there way longer than any good parent should normally let you, and not complain the entire time. You love to "shovel," and you love to help us out around the house, in general. Somehow, sadly, I'm sure this stage will pass, but I'm gonna soak it up while I can. I can't do justice to the entire awesome nature of your little being here. To know you is to truly love you, and I am so blessed to have you in my life. You are turning a corner into a world of being a child versus being a baby - and I am both incredibly saddened and incredibly proud. If you ever read the things posted here, I hope you can understand that the lack of updates about you as of late is only a reflection of my own frustration over not being able to capture everything about you and being overwhelmed by it all, and therefore, just plain not doing it. I told someone the other night that everything that you and your sister do lately is "blogworthy," and it is beyond my capability to keep up. So I'm busy just soaking it all up. I think that is a forgivable thing. As is the lack of reasonably sized paragraphs in this post. At least, I hope so.

I love you from your nose to your toes, Josephine. Happy Birthday.

Hey! Why didn't someone tell me it was 2009??

Monday, January 12, 2009
So I have a confession. I've been, um... kind of... seeing someone else. It's nothing personal - it's just so... well, new - and exciting. It's someone much younger, and more in touch with what's going on in the world today. Alright, I'll just tell you. It's Facebook. There. It's out in the open. Are you happy now?? I know, Blogger. I've been neglecting you. I promise - I'll be back. Please be patient with me. We go too far back to just throw it all away... I have to let Facebook down gently, or we all could be in trouble. I try to pull away - but... the hold is just too strong... soon, Blogger, soon. Wait for me.