Midnight Pomegranate

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The good folks at Bath and Body Works have too much time on their hands. Their newest fragrance is Midnight Pomegranate. What does that even mean? Seriously... is a pomegranate at midnight different than a pomegranate at noon? I'm sure it's just as much of a pain in the arse to eat, maybe it's just more exotic in the dark. Or something.


The Big 2nd Birthday Extravaganza Weekend of Never-Ending Parties did, in fact, come to an end. Josie had a party at daycare on Thursday. And we spent the day with her Friday doing various indulgent activities that we let ourselves get away with due to the excuse that it was for her birthday. Like going to Culver's for lunch. And finishing off the cupcakes from her daycare party. Then we went to my sister's on Saturday to celebrate with my family. And had more desserts. Then we had Patrick's family to our house on Sunday. And had more dessert. Good thing there's a lull in birthday party celebrations for a while. Thank you so much to all who contributed to her wonderful birthday experience. She enjoyed herself very much. Except now she thinks all wrapped gifts must be for her. :)

And for those of you who don't know it already (hard to believe since I make my distaste for working on my birthday quite vocal,) I took the day off yesterday for my birthday. Thank you to all who sent me cards, or left me voicemails and emails. You are all very sweet and I appreciate your kindness very much - especially considering I probably don't deserve it since I'm an awful slug when it comes to timely cards and gifts lately.

I had a great day, despite this bugger of a cold that hit me. Patrick took the day off, too, and we spent the day shopping, going out to eat and to see a movie. Husbands are quite handy to have along to carry coats, purses, packages and such. All 3 activities very enjoyable, and practiced not often enough lately.

I have some cute pictures from the weekend I hope to post soon. And for those of you who have gotten really spoiled by the increase in frequency of my posts as of late, don't get too used to it. I am going to start to get pretty busy again here soon. Sorry to have gotten your hopes up :)