I'm sucking up every ounce of Evie and Jo that I can. My maternity leave is at an end and I go back to work on Monday. It's been a bittersweet week. I'm going to welcome the adult interaction, but loathe bundling up and leaving the house at 7:00 in the morning. I'm going to enjoy working with a new team, but miss my kidlets so much I am brought to tears just thinking about it. I'm going to luxuriate in being able to go to the bathroom by myself without a helper right there to tear off toilet paper for me and help me pull up my pants, but will miss my new good friends - Ellen and Oprah :) But the calendar and our empty checking account say that it is time to rejoin the workforce, so what's a girl to do. *sigh*
I guess we have had an eventful couple of weeks, now that I think about it - so I have more to say than I thought. We went to a Halloween party in Spring Lake Park with friends and their kids (a week before

Halloween - got good use of borrowed costumes!,) celebrated October birthdays in Pat's family, battled a bug and stayed up with a sick Josie, took the girls to watch Pat's cousin in a high school playoff football game (they got walloped,) Josie and Daddy did a little bit of Trick-or-Treating (just too darn cold for the rest of us,) had a couple of fun playdates with new stay-at-home mommy Meg and kids, and had a Mommy/Daddy/Josie fun day yesterday while Eve went to daycare in Jo's place.
Josie can now officially jump. Not the pretend jumping in the air where her feet don't really leave the ground, but all-out-bend-the-knees-and-

catch-some-air jumping. She's so proud. And she discovered walking backwards yesterday. It's a good time. Until she smacks into the wall or doorway. Next year I think we can just have her dress up as a bruise for Halloween. Oh - and she's successfully been sleeping in her big-girl bed for the past week with the aid of a siderail. Whew.
Eve is a roly-poly bundle of joy. She's all smiles (except when she's screaming,) and can grab onto toys or blankets and

gravitate them towards her mouth, and rolls to her side with ease. She was so exhausted after her first full day at daycare yesterday that she sucked down a couple of bottles last night and crashed without much complaint, except to shake her little head when she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. Frickin' adorable.
Hey! Take care, bittersweet pretty much says it all! Love you, Kay
Hope all goes well as you re-join the adult world!
How is Brewster liking being alone all day!! LOL,MOM
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