37 Weeks??!

Thursday, July 13, 2006
Can it be? I've officially carried a baby to a point safely called "full term." Amazing!

I'm off the Terbutaline. It's been 2 doses not taken now... not that I'm keeping track or anything. :) All day yesterday I was having contractions off and on, nothing worth keeping tabs on, but having them nonetheless. And today I felt crampy - although it could have just been the anticipation of today's appointment and going off the meds.

Speaking of which - here are today's stats:
I'm dilated to a "stretchy 2."
BP 114/78
Belly - 36 cm
Baby heartbeat - 150
Weight - up 1 lb.

Dr. Ro freaked me out today when he checked me and said that not only was I at a 2, but that baby's head is "right there," and that whenever I go, he thinks it will be quick, so he'll have his running shoes ready. I know second babies can come fast - but hearing him say it put me even more on edge!

Oh - and he asked me if I wanted him to strip my membranes today. wh - WHAT??!! That took me by surprise, and I think I sat there for a few moments with my mouth hanging open. It was totally up to me, and I decided that going off the Terb was enough excitement for one day. If I'm still hanging on to this baby a week from now, then we can talk more about stripping. Membranes, that is.

So, here we are. Waiting for something to happen. I don't have to be technically "on bedrest" any longer - but I'm at the point where getting up, walking around and being on my feet in general gets a bit difficult. Baby has "dropped" (I think in the womb is the only time where it's acceptable to drop a baby!) as I'm feeling a LOT of pressure down low and have to visit the bathroom much more frequently. But taking a nice, deep breath is easier now, so everything has an upside.

Patrick took the afternoon off and we went to Snuffy's Maltshop for - of course, a malt, and burgers, then went to the cheapie theater to see MI3. Perhaps our last "date" for a few weeks??

Josie is very into combing her own hair lately, and tonight thought that our cat, Baxter, needed his hair combed, too. Stinkin' cute. :) Baxter was less than enthused, to say the least.

More to come - have a good evening!