I might tell you about what a fun summer we're having. Josie is ridin' her bike, and swingin' on "big girl" swings, and eatin' outside. Eve is singing and and swinging and climbing and giggling and talking. They love to be on the go, but also relish the "down-time" at home to play with their own toys and be silly in their own space.
I might tell you about Patrick's crazy-fun trip to New York with his dad and brother to see a Twins game at Yankee Stadium, and how they managed to do almost everything under the sun in a not-even-three-full-days trip, and how much all his girls missed him, but how we managed to plug along just fine and even managed to clean the house while he was gone. But I probably wouldn't tell you about how Eve tumbled out of the van in the driveway and bashed the back of her head on a rock and bled all over the place on the day that he was coming home. Because you don't really need to know that, and I would look like a really bad parent since I wasn't paying attention and I had unbuckled her when we parked and then she was leaning on the inside of the door by the time I got around to opening it, and oops. There she went. But then I would tell you about how cute it was to see the excitement in our house when Daddy came home and gave them adorable little kimonos he had picked up in Chinatown, and they both insisted on putting them on, immediately. And even though I got a kids size large t-shirt (he thought it might have looked a little small), I was still pretty happy he was home, too.
I might tell you about some of the other goofy things that have been going on with us - like how one morning Pat decided to put on corn medication upstairs while I was still in bed, but he was standing right in front of the fan and blew the fumes all over the place and I thought I might suffocate and die. But I didn't, so I might not tell you about that. But maybe I would tell you how the other morning I went to work with a Disney Princess sticker on my butt, and thank goodness for the kindness of strangers. I got on the elevator with a nice lady I didn't know who told me I had a little something back there. At least the day had barely started and I didn't walk around with Cinderella hanging off my ass for very long. Josie's in a sticker phase right now. Lucky me. And my well-decorated ass. And I might tell you that if you cruised by our backyard this summer, you might see a certain 3-year-old running around with no pants on. Thank you very much, Miss Lucy. Someday, when Josie teaches you the fine art of playing quarters, I'll look over my margarita at your mother and ask, "Are we even, yet?" :)
I could tell you how everything in Jo's world this summer is either "yummy" or "super". As in:
"Mama, it's yummy in here," when coming into the air conditioned house from a hot day. Or,
Me: "Ew. This room is messy!" Jo: "But Mama... is it super messy??"
And, I could tell you about how when you ask Eve a question, she pauses for a moment, tilts her little head to the side and says "Um..." before giving you an answer. It kills me. And how she counted to 10 the other day, out of the blue. Makes me wonder what else is hiding out inside that head of hers, just waiting to come out. She takes it all in, and her ears are always on, whether you think so or not. And my baby up and turned two on me. And she got healthy, and we were able to have her party. And it was so very nice.
If I had time to blog, I could tell you that I'm still "challenging" myself in my quest to get healthified. Like it? I just made it up. I'm to the point where the numbers on the scale aren't necessarily what concern me, but the ounces of water I drink every day, and the times per week I exercise. It's going to be a life-long quest for me, but so worth it. I feel like a completely different person than the one who almost died walking up 5 flights of stairs 6 months ago. And I'm never going back there again, I promise you that. No. I promise myself that.
There's so much more I would tell you. If I had time to blog. But for now, I'll let some pictures tell the rest of the story. 'Til next time...